Welcome to the Snyder Family Website!  

The Snyder family began its history in the United States some time in the early to mid 1700's. Christopher Schneider, born in 1709, made his way over from Hachenburg Germany to Germantown New York, a distance of 3,803.64 miles as the crow flies. Christopher lived until 1809, passing away at the age of 100--an unusal longetivity that would be seen in several of his descendants (and hopefully will be seen in several more!).

After Chirstopher, it took two generations before the last name Schneider gave way to the much easier to spell Snyder. It is not known if the change was intentional or not, but the cultural indeterminateness introduced by the change persists to this day. Nevertheless, the Snyder/Schneider clan of Hachenburg has made its mark in the States, fighting in the Civil War (perhaps the Revolutionary War), and generally making itself known.

This website attempts to provide a place for the Snyders to hang their hats. There are a number of interesting photos, important dates in Snyder history, and even some of their favorite things to eat (sadly, mostly devoid of German food.)

Here at thesnyderfamily.com you can access a separate website full of detailed information about the weather.

Please Click Here for The Weather Website!

  The Ferris State Fight Song!

Check this Month's Important Dates for These Family Members
Gary Kenneth Snyder
Triestina Mary Casasanta
Timothy Robert Crooks
George J Hartner (Geraldine's Grandfather)
Gary Richard Snyder
Shirley Maude Frasier Croxon
Martin Joseph Evans
LeRoy Ellsworth Croxon
Karen Lynn Croxon (James)
Mary Matilda Croxon
Geraldine Emily Croxon Snyder
Richard Charles Croxon
Shirley Anne Byrne Croxon